Manage Staff Tom Gardner Manage Staff Tom Gardner

Hiring for a key role? Forget the job description

In high-performance environments, I have found job descriptions to be a total waste of energy. While the two-to-three page documents can be great box ticking tools for staff riddled with imposter syndrome, they do not get to the core of the role or the person you want in it. The internet is full of job descriptions. Millions. If you want one, go download one. That’s a good measure of how specific and insightful they are.

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Manage Staff Tom Gardner Manage Staff Tom Gardner

Welcome to the team. I’m leaving.

Career development is a core component of every executive manager’s job – both your own and the careers of those that you guide and grow. We know that we aren’t spending a lifetime with a particular company. We are here to do a job – a good job. And when that job is done, we will move onto the next job. That’s how the system works.

So, why is leaving a job still so hard to talk about?

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