Who We Are

Building great businesses means building great people. Your strategy, execution, delivery, culture and how-much-fun-you-have-doing-it, are all fundamentally linked to your people.

And people are driven by Managers and Executives. Inspired, aligned, directed, motivated and managed by your people leaders. The Management Distillery was founded on Tom’s desire and passion to see managers and executives accelerate their path to ultimate effectiveness.

From years of experience working with an extensive bell curve of managers and executives, Tom saw that “4 days of classroom training” wasn’t cutting it. Real senior leadership development happens on the job - collapsing Education, Exposure and Experience, in context, to grow by doing. Tom established The Management Distillery to provide blended training, coaching, and consulting to have faster and better impact on leaders and their businesses.

Tom started his career at McKinsey & Company, consulting on strategy and organisational issues for some of the world’s biggest and most exciting companies. Tom then moved into the high-paced start up world where fast moving strategy, execution and teams coalesce to make magic - by failing-fast and failing-forward. Tom brings his extensive practical experience of growing and running his own businesses to every conversation.

Tom is a pragmatic, COO profile who says it like it is, gets to the core of issues and structures out clear approaches to get sh!t done, quickly.