Strategy Execution Accelerator

Our scalable SHIFT Methodology fuses tier-one consulting approaches with practical “get stuff done” experience. The result is strategic advice, optimization and ops transformation support that moves the needle in the medium to long term.

Across industries and functions, we assist with strategy development, organizational transformations, and operational transformations at all levels of the business. Included in this is bespoke Executive Coaching leveraging the 5S Model and more advanced strategy and interpersonal skills and concepts.

Strategy Executed with the SHIFT Methodology


  • Defines your differentiators and value add

  • Codifies your strategic narrative for roll out and cascade

  • Pressure tests “what do you need to believe”

  • Distills functional strategies and operational enablers


  • Cascades purpose, mission and behaviors

  • Defines Objectives and Key Results across functions and departments

  • Structures your capabilities and capacity to deliver strategic imperatives


  • Sets up a strategic optimization function

  • Defines your 80/20 optimisation funnel and roadmap

  • Determines the best mix of generalist and specialist resources to support line-led change


  • Defines your management operating system to track, plan and change

  • Sets out the focused leading and lagging KPIs and KPAs to enable effective weekly, monthly and quarterly management

  • Focuses problem solving on areas, issues and opportunities that support the startegy


  • Defines the performance management framework to drive frontline and management accountability

  • Codifies best practices to “move the middle” - including reward and recognition to foster excitement and momentum

  • Addresses poor performance efficiently

Get in touch for a 30min discussion about your needs and challenges, and learn more about our unique model and approach

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