From Manager To


Executive thinking and the executive toolkit is universal. Whether someone is a Marketing Executive, a Finance Executive, a CTO or a CEO, there are a fundamental set of perspectives, skills and tools that are effective in every Boardroom.

Take Your Career to the Next Level

Learn how to build the executive tools of:

Manage SELF to

develop your compelling leadership story and set yourself up in the right roles and ecosystems to shine. 

Manage STRATEGY to

join the dots between portfolio strategies and get stuff done. To be a thought AND problem-solving leader.

Manage STAFF by

building effective high-performance teams. Manage from the balcony and in the dance, on the stage and behind the stage. 

Manage SYNERGY by

joining the dots across portfolios to drive business synergy. To be a great influencer and master of collaboration. 

Manage STYLE to

leverage your broader conscious and subconscious impact. To have gravitas and inspire followership.

From Manager To Executive pulls together a cohesive Executive Thinking framework. Drawing off of experience across strategy and continuous improvement consulting, startup executive management and corporate

executive coaching, Tom Gardner presents a practical and execution focused model to take your career to the next level. 

Accelerate your path to the boardroom.

Available from these retailers

5S Framework of Executive Thinking

Want to rate your executive thinking?

Take the 5S test!

TOM GARDNER is an ex-McKinsey startup COO and strategic advisor. Currently on startup number four, and business number seven, Tom has grown countless managers, management teams and executives.

Tom recently founded The Management Distillery – a strategy execution and management development accelerator aimed at closing the gaps between strategy in the boardroom and change in the frontline, and the gap between intermediate managers and their executive aspirations.

When not in a boardroom, Tom is a yoga, golf, wine, dog and colourful-language lover.  

What others are saying…

  • “FMTE offered an actionable toolset for movement towards the upper echelons of leadership. In a genre saturated with abstract theories, ‘From Manager To Executive’ delivers a refreshing punch of practicality."

    Duncan - Customer Success Manager

  • “FMTE has enhanced my strategic thinking abilities and sharpening my communication skills. FMTE uniquely blends practical business acumen with a deep understanding of human behaviour. I highly recommend FMTE to anyone looking to elevate their executive thinking and personal growth.”

    Stacey - Marketing Manager

  • “FMTE really helped me understand how to use self-awareness to lead. How to distil my strengths and then work on strategies to leverage them for my team and company’s success.”

    Nicole – Projects, IT and BI Executive